XData was designed from the ground up to be easy to pick up and learn by any software developer with a reasonable knowledge of XML and HTTP Web requests. whether you develop in Vb.net ,C# , Java or PHP (or any other language) you can use XData and utilize it to incorporate CRM functionality into your applications.

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API Reference





ActivitiesList (Default) Returns a list of activties within a date range
  • An Optional URL Encoded Parameter called FromDate, the Parameter must contain a valid Date
  • An Optional URL Encoded Parameter called ToDate, the Parameter must contain a valid Date
ContactActivities Returns a list of activties associated with a given contact
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called ContactID, the Parameter must contain a valid Contact ID
  • An Optional URL Encoded Parameter called FromDate, the Parameter must contain a valid Date
  • An Optional URL Encoded Parameter called ToDate, the Parameter must contain a valid Date
UserActivities Returns a list of activties associated with a given ACT User
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called UserID, the Parameter must contain a valid ACT User ID
  • An Optional URL Encoded Parameter called FromDate, the Parameter must contain a valid Date
  • An Optional URL Encoded Parameter called ToDate, the Parameter must contain a valid Date
ActivityTypes Returns a list of available Activity Types within the current ACT Database
  • An optional URL Encoded Parameter called IncludeInactive, the Parameter can have the value of either True or False
ActivityDetails Returns the details of an Activity
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called ID, Must be a valid Activity ID
ClearActivity Clears (Closes) an Open Activity
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called ID, Must be a valid Activity ID
UnClearActivity Un-Clears (Re-opens) a Cleared (Closed) Activity
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called ID, Must be a valid Activity ID
CreateActivity Creates a new Activity
  • A HTTP Request header called xml , the contents of the header use the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <ActivityType> Type of Activity </ActivityType>
          <ScheduledFor> The ACT User whom this activity is schedueled for</SchedueledFor>
          <ScheduledWith> The ID of the ACT Contact Record whom the activity is schedueled with</SchedueledWith>
          <StartTime> a DateTime value denoting the starting time for the activity (e.g. 12/Mar/2010 4:00pm) </StartTime>
          <Endtime> a DateTime value denoting the starting time for the activity (e.g. 12/Mar/2010 5:00pm) </EndTime>
          <Regarding> A short sentence describing what the activity is about </Regarding>
          <Details> A block of text describing the activity in detail</Details>
          <Location> A Description of where the activity takes place (can be blank)</Details>
UpdateActivity Updates an existing Activity
  • A URL encoded parameter called ID , must contain an existing ACT activity ID
  • A HTTP Request header called xml , the contents of the header use the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <ActivityType> Type of Activity </ActivityType>
          <ScheduledFor> The ACT User whom this activity is schedueled for</SchedueledFor>
          <ScheduledWith> The ID of the ACT Contact Record whom the activity is schedueled with</SchedueledWith>
          <StartTime> a DateTime value denoting the starting time for the activity (e.g. 12/Mar/2010 4:00pm) </StartTime>
          <Endtime> a DateTime value denoting the starting time for the activity (e.g. 12/Mar/2010 5:00pm) </EndTime>
          <Regarding> A short sentence describing what the activity is about </Regarding>
          <Details> A block of text describing the activity in detail</Details>
          <Location> A Description of where the activity takes place (can be blank)</Details>


ContactsList (Default) Returns a list of contacts from the target ACT database.
  • LookupType: Optional, specifies how the lookup is done, possible values are exact,startswith and contains (default is exact).
  • LookupField: Optional,sets the fields to be used for filtering the result of the call, can seperate mutiple fields with a comma.
  • LookupValue: Optional,must be used with the LookupField parameter, sets the values of the LookupField (e.g. Company=Acme Research), can seperate mutiple values with a comma.
  • CustomList: Optional, value is either true or false, specifies if the returned list is in custom format.
  • ResultFields: Optional,must be used if CustomList is set to true, a comma seperated set of values each value representing a field name in the ACT database.
ContactDetails Returns the Details of a single Contact Record.
  • ID: Mandatory, the ID of the Contact, needed to get the Contact's details.
ContactFields Returns a listing of the fields which make up the Contact Entity.
  • None
CreateContact Creates a New contact in the target ACT database.
  • A HTTP Request header called xml , the contents of the header use the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <Name> The Field Name </Name>
          <Value>The Field's value </Value>
    Extra fields can be added to the create request using the same format for the Field Node above, the field must exist in the target ACT database and attention must be paid to the field's data type, use the ContactFields API call to view the field structure for the Contacts Entity in the target ACT database.
  • DuplicateCheck: Optional, value can either be True or False, sets whether the CreateContact function should look for the existance of the contact record to be created.
  • DuplicateFields: Optional,must be used if DuplicateCheck is set to True,sets the fields to be used for checking the existance of the record the caller is trying to create , can seperate mutiple fields with a comma.
  • DuplicateValues: Optional,must be used with the DuplicateFields parameter, sets the values of the DuplicateFields (e.g. Company=Acme Research), can seperate mutiple values with a comma.
  • UpdateDuplicates: Optional,must be used if DuplicateCheck is set to True, if set to True then any duplicate records found in the database will be updated, if set to False then existing record(s) will be ignored and a new record is created.
UpdateContact Updates an existing contact in the target ACT database.
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called ID, the Parameter must contain a valid Contact ID
  • A HTTP Request header called xml , the contents of the header use the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <Name> The Field Name </Name>
          <Value>The Field's value </Value>
    Extra fields can be added to the Update request using the same format for the Field Node above, the field must exist in the target ACT database and attention must be paid to the field's data type, use the ContactFields API call to view the field structure for the Contacts Entity in the target ACT database.
AddContactToGroup Adds an existing Contact record to an existing group
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called ID, the Parameter must contain a valid Contact ID
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called GroupID, the Parameter must contain a valid Group ID
RemoveContactFromGroup Removes an existing Contact record From an existing group
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called ID, the Parameter must contain a valid Contact ID
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called GroupID, the Parameter must contain a valid Group ID


CustomEntitiesList (Default) Returns a list containing all the Custom Entities within the current ACT Database.
  • N/A
CustomEntityFields Returns the list of fields as well as field types which make up an existing Custom Entity
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
CustomEntityRecords Returns the full (or filtered) list of records contained within a Custom Entity.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
  • An optional URL Encoded parameter called LookupField , must contain the name(s) of an existing field within the target Custom Entity, can have multiple fields, must be seperated by commas.
  • An optional URL Encoded parameter called LookupValue, must be used if LookupField is used,must contain the filter values associated with the LookupField fields parameter, can have multiple values, must be seperated by commas.
  • An optional URL Encoded parameter called SortBy,specifies which field to sort the listing by
  • An optional URL Encoded parameter called SortAscending,specifies sorting order, default value is True
  • An optional URL encoded parameter called ParentFilter values are (contacts,groups,companies)
  • An optional URL encoded parameter called ParentID, must be used if ParentFilter is used, specifies the unique ID of the parent entity.
CustomEntityRecordDetails Returns the details of a single Custom Entity record.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
  • A URL Encoded parameter called ID, must be the ID of an existing record within the target Custom Entity.
RemoveCustomEntityRecords Removes all the custom entity records which meet the specified filter criteria.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
  • A URL Encoded parameter called LookupField , must contain the name(s) of an existing field within the target Custom Entity, can have multiple fields, must be seperated by commas.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called LookupValue , must contain the filter values associated with the LookupField fields parameter, can have multiple values, must be seperated by commas.
RemoveCustomEntityRecord Removes a single custom entity record with a given Record ID
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
  • A URL Encoded parameter called ID , must contain the ID of an existing record within the target custom entity
CreateCustomEntityRecord Creates a new Custom Entity record.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
  • A HTTP Request header called xml , the contents of the header use the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <Name> The Field Name </Name>
          <Value>The Field's value </Value>
    Extra fields can be added to the create request using the same format for the Field Node above, the field must exist in the target Custom Entity and attention must be paid to the field's data type, use the CustomEntityFields API call to view the field structure for the Custom Entity in the target ACT database.
UpdateCustomEntityRecords Updates all the custom entity records which meet the specified filter criteria.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
  • A URL Encoded parameter called LookupField , must contain the name(s) of an existing field within the target Custom Entity, can have multiple fields, must be seperated by commas.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called LookupValue , must contain the filter values associated with the LookupField fields parameter, can have multiple values, must be seperated by commas.
  • A HTTP Request header called xml , the contents of the header use the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <Name> The Field Name </Name>
          <Value>The Field's value </Value>
    Extra fields can be added to the create request using the same format for the Field Node above, the field must exist in the target Custom Entity and attention must be paid to the field's data type, use the CustomEntityFields API call to view the field structure for the Custom Entity in the target ACT database.
UpdateCustomEntityRecord Updates a single custom entity record withing the target Custom Entity.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
  • A URL Encoded parameter called ID , must be the ID of an existing record within the target custom entity.
  • A HTTP Request header called xml , the contents of the header use the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <Name> The Field Name </Name>
          <Value>The Field's value </Value>
    Extra fields can be added to the create request using the same format for the Field Node above, the field must exist in the target Custom Entity and attention must be paid to the field's data type, use the CustomEntityFields API call to view the field structure for the Custom Entity in the target ACT database.
ContactCustomEntityRecords Returns all the records of a specific custom entity which belong to a given contact record.
  • A URL Encoded parameter called CustomEntityName, must be the name of an existing custom entity
  • A URL Encoded parameter called ContactID , must be a valid contact record ID.


GroupsList (Default) Returns a list of Groups from the target ACT database.
  • LookupField: Optional,sets the field to be used for filtering the result of the call.
  • LookupValue: Optional,must be used with the LookupField parameter, sets the value of the LookupField (e.g. Group=Customers).
  • CustomList: Optional, value is either true or false, specifies if the returned list is in custom format.
  • ResultFields: Optional,must be used if CustomList is set to true, a comma seperated set of values each value representing a group field name in the ACT database.
GroupDetails Returns the Details of a single Group Record.
  • ID: Mandatory, the ID of the Group, needed to get the Groups's details.
GroupFields Returns a listing of the fields which make up the Group Entity.
  • None
GetGroupContacts Returns the list of contacts belonging to a specified group.
  • ID: The ID of an existing group within the target ACT! database.


CompaniesList (Default) Returns a list of Companies from the target ACT database.
  • LookupField: Optional,sets the field to be used for filtering the result of the call.
  • LookupValue: Optional,must be used with the LookupField parameter, sets the value of the LookupField (e.g. City=Auckland).
  • CustomList: Optional, value is either true or false, specifies if the returned list is in custom format.
  • ResultFields: Optional,must be used if CustomList is set to true, a comma seperated set of values each value representing a company field name in the ACT database.
CompanyDetails Returns the Details of a single Company Record.
  • ID: Mandatory, the ID of the Company, needed to get the Company's details.
CompanyFields Returns a listing of the fields which make up the Company Entity.
  • None
GetCompanyContacts Returns the list of contacts belonging to a specified Company.
  • ID: The ID of an existing Company within the target ACT! database.


ContactHistory (Default) Returns the history entries for a contact over a date range
  • ContactID: mandatory, the ID of the target contact
  • RecordedAfter: mandatory, the Date Before the requested history entries were recorded
  • RecordedBefore: mandatory, the Date After the requested history entries were recorded
HistoryDetails Returns the details of a single history entry using a history record ID
  • ID: mandatory, the ID of the target history entry
HistoryTypes Returns a list of available History Types within the current ACT Database
  • An optional URL Encoded Parameter called IncludeInactive, the Parameter can have the value of either True or False
CreateContactHistory Creates a new History Entry for a contact
  • A HTTP Request header called xml , the contents of the header use the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <HistoryType> Type of History </HistoryType>
          <StartTime> a DateTime value denoting the starting time for the recorded history (e.g. 12/Mar/2010 4:00pm) </StartTime>
          <Endtime> a DateTime value denoting the end time for the history entry (e.g. 12/Mar/2010 5:00pm) </EndTime>
          <Regarding> A short sentence describing what the history entry is about </Regarding>
          <Details> A block of text describing the history entry in detail</Details>


ProductsList (Default) Returns a list of Products from the target ACT database.
  • None.


PickLists (Default) Returns all the PickLists within the target database
  • None.
PickList Returns the contents of a given PickList
  • ListName , the Name of the target picklist.


UsersList (Default) Returns a list of the ACT users within the current ACT Database
  • An Optional URL Encoded Parameter called UserStatus, Values must be of the following(All,Active,Inactive)
Validate User Returns the ACT user Record if the correct logon details have been supplied and the user is active.
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called UserName, must be a valid ACT logon name
  • A URL Encoded Parameter called UserPwd, must be the password associated with the above logon name.

XData was designed from the ground up to be easy to pick up and learn by any software developer with a reasonable knowledge of XML and HTTP Web requests. whether you develop in Vb.net ,C# , Java or PHP (or any other language) you can use XData and utilize it to incorporate CRM functionality into your applications.

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